CHARON-VAX Linux Hobbyist release notes. TERMS OF USE The copyright of this hobbyist edition of the CHARON-VAX emulator is the property of Software Resources International. You are authorized to download, use and freely copy this software without charge for PRIVATE, NON-COMMERCIAL USE provided that the trademark acknowledgement is affixed to each copy and the content of the software is not altered. Software Resources International neither makes representations that the use of CHARON-VAX will not infringe on existing or future patent rights nor will it provide guarantees and therefore disclaims liability concerning performance or reliability of the CHARON-VAX hobbyist software. You use this software at your own risk and/or responsibility. Hardware and Software Requirements: Intel compatible personal computer running Red Hat Linux release 6.0 Or later with installed X-Window System and 160 MB of free disk space. CHARON-VAX hobbyist edition is distributed as a rpm file. Use the RPM Package Manager to install it. Release 10 November 2000 ---------------------------------------- WARNING!!! If you install this release over an older installation, make sure to save your existing system disk, as this installation will generate a new blank system disk, possibly overwriting the existing one. The following additions and changes have been made: Date limit change; this release is now operational until May 1, 2001. Added halt_enable and power_up_mode switch emulation. Both refer to the corresponding switches on the MicroVAX II CPU I/O insert module. Check the user manual under CPU for the description of these two options. To conform with future hobbyist versions on other platforms and the CHARON-VAX product strategy, the number of operational DHV11 lines in the hobbyist versions is limited to 2 (line 0 and 1). The other lines are not operational. This release reads CD ROMs directly via the host system CD drive, Recognized by CHARON-VAX as a DEC RRD45. Boot from CD is also supported. Some DVD drives will work, but only limited testing has taken place. Direct access to floppy drives and floppy disks formatted under the OpenVMS (VAX and Alpha) operating system is supported. Floppy disks Formatted with CHARON-VAX are also readable and writable under OpenVMS. The floppy drives are recognized by CHARON-VAX as a DEC RX23 or DEC RX26. Beta 2 release 21 July 2000 ---------------------------------------- This release of the CHARON-VAX hobby kit is distributed to a limited audience for preliminary testing. These tests should assess whether this kit is now ready for general release. Copyright (C) 2000 Software Resources International # 30-17-002