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CT337/CT437 Distributed Computing and Internet Technology

This is a 120 credit module, which means that over the semester (including exam revision) you are expected to do 120 hours of work.
This will comprise of about 20 hours where you will be presented with new material, 40 hours where you review the material and investigate topics further, 40 hours of assignments (45 for MSc/MEng) and 20 hours for revision. The average work load will be 9 hours per week.
The approximate time to be spent on the topics are identified as (Lecture Time + Own Time) e.g (1 + 3)
The following is a complete reference to all material for this module.
The main text book is XML How To Program, Deitel, Deitel et al, Prentice Hall.
Additional material is included here on a section by section basis
The main overhead slides are available in HTML format