Phone number reformatting for IPAgent:

Enter phone number below or get from clipboard:

Options : Assume numbers starting 7 are:
UK mobiles
US numbers

This has been copied to clipboard:

This utility is provided with no warranties whatsoever (you may end up dialling the wrong number if you're not careful).

How to use :
1) Highlight a phone number in any windows application (for example, Outlook, Siebel or a Word/Excel document) and copy to the Windows clipboard with CTRL-C
2) Hit the "Reformat number from Windows clipboard" button above
3) Paste (with ctrl-v) the reformatted number straight into IP Agent and hit "Enter" or click the phone icon to dial

What does it do :
1) Removes - () and . symbols from the number
2) Replaces the + symbol with 00
3) Adds 9 for an outside line unless the number already has it or seems to be Oracle internal
4) If the number doesn't look internal, or obviously international and doesn't start with a zero we assume it's a US number and add 9001 before we dial it
5) UNLESS that is, it looks like a UK mobile number (starts with a 7) and the option is set to UK mobiles. Then we just add 90 to the number starting with 7.
6) if the number looks international but then seems to have the international country code repeated, we try to clean that up too.
7) if it looks like we're dialling internationally but the dialling code is 44 for UK, we'll dial nationally instead
8) if it looks like we're dialling manchester, dial local
9) if it looks like we're dialling oracle manchester, use the internal format

Confused? hopefully not too much. in any case, suggestions for improvement please send to me ( in Global Customer Support - Hyperion, Manchester, UK.
This is javascript but the Cut and Paste features may be Internet Explorer specific - sorry !