
Coming soon! LetsBounce.Net. Make new friends, discuss the latest TV and films, chat about what you did at the weekend or join in with online games. LetsBounce.Net aims to be a fun place for teenagers and young adults to get together and chat, bringing together web boards, live chat and useful website. The website is on it's way soon, in the meantime, why not check out the BounceBoards or join us in BounceChat.
Any thoughts, or comments, please post on the boards.

Although we take as much care as possible to make this site suitable for minors, LetsBounce.Net cannot guarantee that the content of this site will be suitable for minors. The contents of this site is subject to change without notice and LetsBounce.Net does not accept responsibilty for anything posted on the boards or any person's actions on the IRC server.