Module BaseDoc :: Class StyleSheet
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Class StyleSheet

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A collection of named paragraph styles.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, obj=None)
Create a new empty StyleSheet.
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set_name(self, name)
Set the name of the StyleSheet
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Return the name of the StyleSheet
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Remove all styles from the StyleSheet
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Checks if any styles are defined
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add_paragraph_style(self, name, style)
Add a paragraph style to the style sheet.
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get_paragraph_style(self, name)
Return the ParagraphStyle associated with the name
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Return the the list of paragraph names in the StyleSheet
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add_draw_style(self, name, style)
Add a draw style to the style sheet.
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get_draw_style(self, name)
Return the GraphicsStyle associated with the name
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Return the the list of draw style names in the StyleSheet
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add_table_style(self, name, style)
Add a table style to the style sheet.
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get_table_style(self, name)
Return the TableStyle associated with the name
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Return the the list of table style names in the StyleSheet
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add_cell_style(self, name, style)
Add a cell style to the style sheet.
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get_cell_style(self, name)
Return the TableCellStyle associated with the name
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Return the the list of cell style names in the StyleSheet
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Method Details

__init__(self, obj=None)

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Create a new empty StyleSheet.

  • obj - if not None, creates the StyleSheet from the values in obj, instead of creating an empty StyleSheet

set_name(self, name)

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Set the name of the StyleSheet

  • name - The name to be given to the StyleSheet

add_paragraph_style(self, name, style)

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Add a paragraph style to the style sheet.

  • name - The name of the ParagraphStyle
  • style - ParagraphStyle instance to be added.

get_paragraph_style(self, name)

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Return the ParagraphStyle associated with the name

  • name - name of the ParagraphStyle that is wanted

add_draw_style(self, name, style)

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Add a draw style to the style sheet.

  • name - The name of the GraphicsStyle
  • style - GraphicsStyle instance to be added.

get_draw_style(self, name)

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Return the GraphicsStyle associated with the name

  • name - name of the GraphicsStyle that is wanted

add_table_style(self, name, style)

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Add a table style to the style sheet.

  • name - The name of the TableStyle
  • style - TableStyle instance to be added.

get_table_style(self, name)

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Return the TableStyle associated with the name

  • name - name of the TableStyle that is wanted

add_cell_style(self, name, style)

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Add a cell style to the style sheet.

  • name - The name of the TableCellStyle
  • style - TableCellStyle instance to be added.

get_cell_style(self, name)

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Return the TableCellStyle associated with the name

  • name - name of the TableCellStyle that is wanted