Package DateHandler :: Module _DateParser :: Class DateParser
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Class DateParser

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Convert a text string into a Date object. If the date cannot be converted, the text string is assigned.

Instance Methods
__init__(self) source code
re_longest_first(self, keys)
returns a string for a RE group which contains the given keys sorted so that longest keys match first.
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This method compiles regular expression strings for matching dates.
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match_calendar(self, text, cal)
Try parsing calendar.
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match_quality(self, text, qual)
Try matching quality.
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match_span(self, text, cal, qual, date)
Try matching span date.
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match_range(self, text, cal, qual, date)
Try matching range date.
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match_bce(self, text)
Try matching BCE qualifier.
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match_modifier(self, text, cal, qual, bc, date)
Try matching date with modifier.
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set_date(self, date, text)
Parses the text and sets the date according to the parsing.
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invert_year(self, subdate) source code
parse(self, text)
Parses the text, returning a Date object.
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Class Variables
  month_to_int = {u'10ber': 12, u'10bre': 12, u'10bris': 12, u'7...
  modifier_to_int = {'about': 3, 'abt': 3, 'abt.': 3, 'aft': 2, ...
  modifier_after_to_int = {}
  hebrew_to_int = {'adari': 6, 'adarii': 7, 'av': 12, 'elul': 13...
  french_to_int = {u'brumaire': 2, u'extra': 13, u'floréal': 8, ...
  islamic_to_int = {'dhu hijja': 12, 'dhu l-hijja': 12, 'dhu l-q...
  persian_to_int = {'aban': 8, 'azar': 9, 'bahman': 11, 'dey': 1...
  bce = ['B.C.E.', 'B.C.E', 'B.C.', 'BCE', 'B.C', 'BC']
  calendar_to_int = {'f': 3, 'french': 3, 'french republican': 3...
  quality_to_int = {'calc': 2, 'calc.': 2, 'calculated': 2, 'est...
Method Details

re_longest_first(self, keys)

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returns a string for a RE group which contains the given keys sorted so that longest keys match first. Any '.' characters are quoted.


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This method compiles regular expression strings for matching dates.

Most of the re's in most languages can stay as is. span and range most likely will need to change. Whatever change is done, this method may be called first as DateParser.init_strings(self) so that the invariant expresions don't need to be repeteadly coded. All differences can be coded after DateParser.init_strings(self) call, that way they override stuff from this method. See DateParserRU() as an example.

match_calendar(self, text, cal)

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Try parsing calendar.

Return calendar index and the text with calendar removed.

match_quality(self, text, qual)

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Try matching quality.

Return quality index and the text with quality removed.

match_span(self, text, cal, qual, date)

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Try matching span date.

On success, set the date and return 1. On failure return 0.

match_range(self, text, cal, qual, date)

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Try matching range date.

On success, set the date and return 1. On failure return 0.

match_bce(self, text)

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Try matching BCE qualifier.

Return BCE (True/False) and the text with matched part removed.

match_modifier(self, text, cal, qual, bc, date)

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Try matching date with modifier.

On success, set the date and return 1. On failure return 0.

Class Variable Details


{u'10ber': 12,
 u'10bre': 12,
 u'10bris': 12,
 u'7ber': 9,
 u'7bre': 9,
 u'7bris': 9,
 u'8ber': 10,
 u'8bre': 10,


{'about': 3,
 'abt': 3,
 'abt.': 3,
 'aft': 2,
 'aft.': 2,
 'after': 2,
 'around': 3,
 'bef': 1,


{'adari': 6,
 'adarii': 7,
 'av': 12,
 'elul': 13,
 'heshvan': 2,
 'iyyar': 9,
 'kislev': 3,
 'nisan': 8,


{u'brumaire': 2,
 u'extra': 13,
 u'floréal': 8,
 u'frimaire': 3,
 u'fructidor': 12,
 u'germinal': 7,
 u'messidor': 10,
 u'nivôse': 4,


{'dhu hijja': 12,
 'dhu l-hijja': 12,
 'dhu l-qa`da': 11,
 'dhu qadah': 11,
 'jumaada al-thaany': 6,
 'jumaada i': 5,
 'jumaada ii': 5,
 'jumaada-ul-akhir': 6,


{'aban': 8,
 'azar': 9,
 'bahman': 11,
 'dey': 10,
 'esfand': 12,
 'farvardin': 1,
 'khordad': 3,
 'mehr': 7,


{'f': 3,
 'french': 3,
 'french republican': 3,
 'g': 0,
 'gregorian': 0,
 'h': 2,
 'hebrew': 2,
 'i': 5,


{'calc': 2,
 'calc.': 2,
 'calculated': 2,
 'est': 1,
 'est.': 1,
 'estimated': 1}