Package gen :: Package lib :: Module date :: Class Date
[frames] | no frames]

Class Date

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The core date handling class for GRAMPs.

Supports partial dates, compound dates and alternate calendars.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, *source, **kwargs)
Create a new Date instance.
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serialize(self, no_text_date=False)
Convert to a series of tuples for data storage.
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unserialize(self, data)
Load from the format created by serialize.
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copy(self, source)
Copy all the attributes of the given Date instance to the present instance, without creating a new object.
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__cmp__(self, other)
Compare two dates.
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__add__(self, other)
Date arithmetic: Date() + years, or Date() + (years, [months, [days]]).
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__radd__(self, other)
Add a number + Date() or (years, months, days) + Date().
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__sub__(self, other)
Date arithmetic: Date() - years, Date - (y,m,d), or Date() - Date().
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__lt__(self, other) source code
__gt__(self, other) source code
is_equal(self, other)
Return 1 if the given Date instance is the same as the present instance IN ALL REGARDS.
source code
Return the minimal start_date, and a maximal stop_date corresponding to this date, given in Gregorian calendar.
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match(self, other_date, comparison='=')
Compare two dates using sophisticated techniques looking for any match between two possible dates, date spans and qualities.
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Produce a string representation of the Date object.
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Return the sort value of Date object.
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Return an integer indicating the calendar selected.
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set_modifier(self, val)
Set the modifier for the date.
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Return an integer indicating the calendar selected.
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set_quality(self, val)
Set the quality selected for the date.
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Return an integer indicating the calendar selected.
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set_calendar(self, val)
Set the calendar selected for the date.
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Return a tuple representing the start date.
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Return a tuple representing the second half of a compound date.
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Return the year associated with the date.
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set_yr_mon_day(self, year, month, day)
Set the year, month, and day values.
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set_yr_mon_day_offset(self, year=0, month=0, day=0)
Set the year, month, and day values by offset.
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copy_offset_ymd(self, year=0, month=0, day=0)
Return a Date copy based on year, month, and day offset.
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copy_ymd(self, year=0, month=0, day=0)
Return a Date copy with year, month, and day set.
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set_year(self, year)
Set the year value.
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Return true if the year is valid.
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Return the month associated with the date.
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Return true if the month is valid
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Return the day of the month associated with the date.
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Return true if the day is valid.
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Return true if any part of the date is valid.
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Return the day of the year associated with the second part of a compound date.
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Return the month of the month associated with the second part of a compound date.
source code
Return the day of the month associated with the second part of a compound date.
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Return the high year estimate.
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Return the text value associated with an invalid date.
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set(self, quality, modifier, calendar, value, text=None)
Set the date to the specified value.
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convert_calendar(self, calendar)
Convert the date from the current calendar to the specified calendar.
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set_as_text(self, text)
Set the day to a text string, and assign the sort value to zero.
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set_text_value(self, text)
Set the text string to a given text.
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Return True if the date contains no information (empty text).
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Return True if the date is a date range or a date span.
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Return True if the date is a regular date.
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Return (year, month, day).
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offset(self, value)
Return (year, month, day) of this date +- value.
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offset_date(self, value)
Return (year, month, day) of this date +- value.
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lookup_calendar(self, calendar)
Lookup calendar name in the list of known calendars, even if translated.
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lookup_quality(self, quality)
Lookup date quality keyword, even if translated.
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lookup_modifier(self, modifier)
Lookup date modifier keyword, even if translated.
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to_calendar(self, calendar_name)
Return a new Date object in the calendar calendar_name.
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Return true if the date is a slash-date.
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Class Variables
  MOD_NONE = 0
  MOD_SPAN = 5
  EMPTY = (0, 0, 0, False)
  calendar_names = ['Gregorian', 'Julian', 'Hebrew', 'French Rep...
  ui_calendar_names = ['Gregorian', 'Julian', 'Hebrew', 'French ...
Method Details

__cmp__(self, other)
(Comparison operator)

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Compare two dates.

Comparison function. Allows the usage of equality tests. This allows you do run statements like 'date1 <= date2'

is_equal(self, other)

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Return 1 if the given Date instance is the same as the present instance IN ALL REGARDS.

Needed, because the __cmp__ only looks at the sorting value, and ignores the modifiers/comments.


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Return the minimal start_date, and a maximal stop_date corresponding to this date, given in Gregorian calendar.

Useful in doing range overlap comparisons between different dates.

Note that we stay in (YR,MON,DAY)

match(self, other_date, comparison='=')

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Compare two dates using sophisticated techniques looking for any match 
between two possible dates, date spans and qualities.

The other comparisons for Date (is_equal() and __cmp() don't actually 
look for anything other than a straight match, or a simple comparison 
of the sortval.

comparison =,== :
    Returns True if any part of other_date matches any part of self
comparison < :
    Returns True if any part of other_date < any part of self
comparison << :
    Returns True if all parts of other_date < all parts of self
comparison > :
    Returns True if any part of other_date > any part of self
comparison >> :
    Returns True if all parts of other_date > all parts of self

(Informal representation operator)

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Produce a string representation of the Date object.

If the date is not valid, the text representation is displayed. If the date is a range or a span, a string in the form of 'YYYY-MM-DD - YYYY-MM-DD' is returned. Otherwise, a string in the form of 'YYYY-MM-DD' is returned.


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Return the sort value of Date object.

If the value is a text string, 0 is returned. Otherwise, the calculated sort date is returned. The sort date is rebuilt on every assignment.

The sort value is an integer representing the value. The sortval is the integer number of days that have elapsed since Monday, January 1, 4713 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar. See


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Return an integer indicating the calendar selected.

The valid values are:

  MOD_NONE       = no modifier (default)
  MOD_BEFORE     = before
  MOD_AFTER      = after
  MOD_ABOUT      = about
  MOD_RANGE      = date range
  MOD_SPAN       = date span
  MOD_TEXTONLY   = text only


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Return an integer indicating the calendar selected.

The valid values are:

  QUAL_NONE       = normal (default)
  QUAL_ESTIMATED  = estimated
  QUAL_CALCULATED = calculated


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Return an integer indicating the calendar selected.

The valid values are:

  CAL_GREGORIAN  - Gregorian calendar
  CAL_JULIAN     - Julian calendar
  CAL_HEBREW     - Hebrew (Jewish) calendar
  CAL_FRENCH     - French Republican calendar
  CAL_PERSIAN    - Persian calendar
  CAL_ISLAMIC    - Islamic calendar


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Return a tuple representing the start date.

If the date is a compound date (range or a span), it is the first part of the compound date. If the date is a text string, a tuple of (0, 0, 0, False) is returned. Otherwise, a date of (DD, MM, YY, slash) is returned. If slash is True, then the date is in the form of 1530/1.


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Return a tuple representing the second half of a compound date.

If the date is not a compound date, (including text strings) a tuple of (0, 0, 0, False) is returned. Otherwise, a date of (DD, MM, YY, slash) is returned. If slash is True, then the date is in the form of 1530/1.


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Return the year associated with the date.

If the year is not defined, a zero is returned. If the date is a compound date, the lower date year is returned.


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Return the month associated with the date.

If the month is not defined, a zero is returned. If the date is a compound date, the lower date month is returned.


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Return the day of the month associated with the date.

If the day is not defined, a zero is returned. If the date is a compound date, the lower date day is returned.


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Return the day of the year associated with the second part of a compound date.

If the year is not defined, a zero is returned.


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Return the month of the month associated with the second part of a compound date.

If the month is not defined, a zero is returned.


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Return the day of the month associated with the second part of a compound date.

If the day is not defined, a zero is returned.


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Return the high year estimate.

For compound dates with non-zero stop year, the stop year is returned. Otherwise, the start year is returned.

set(self, quality, modifier, calendar, value, text=None)

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Set the date to the specified value.

Parameters are:

 quality  - The date quality for the date (see get_quality
            for more information)
 modified - The date modifier for the date (see get_modifier
            for more information)
 calendar - The calendar associated with the date (see
            get_calendar for more information).
 value    - A tuple representing the date information. For a
            non-compound date, the format is (DD, MM, YY, slash)
            and for a compound date the tuple stores data as
            (DD, MM, YY, slash1, DD, MM, YY, slash2)
 text     - A text string holding either the verbatim user input
            or a comment relating to the date.

The sort value is recalculated.


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Return True if the date is a regular date.

The regular date is a single exact date, i.e. not text-only, not a range or a span, not estimated/calculated, not about/before/after date, and having year, month, and day all non-zero.

to_calendar(self, calendar_name)

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Return a new Date object in the calendar calendar_name.

>>> Date("Jan 1 1591").to_calendar("julian")
1590-12-22 (Julian)

Class Variable Details


 'French Republican',


 'French Republican',