Package gen :: Package lib :: Module mediaobj :: Class MediaObject
[frames] | no frames]

Class MediaObject

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Containter for information about an image file, including location, description and privacy.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, source=None)
Initialize a MediaObject.
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Convert the data held in the event to a Python tuple that represents all the data elements.
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unserialize(self, data)
Convert the data held in a tuple created by the serialize method back into the data in an Event structure.
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Return the list of all textual attributes of the object.
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Return the list of child objects that may carry textual data.
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Return the list of child secondary objects that may refer sources.
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Return the list of child secondary objects that may refer notes.
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Return the list of (classname, handle) tuples for all directly referenced primary objects.
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Return the list of child objects which may, directly or through their children, reference primary objects.
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set_mime_type(self, mime_type)
Set the MIME type associated with the MediaObject.
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Return the MIME type associated with the MediaObject.
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set_path(self, path)
Set the file path to the passed path.
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Return the file path.
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set_description(self, text)
Set the description of the image.
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Return the description of the image.
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Inherited from srcbase.SourceBase: add_source_reference, get_source_references, has_source_reference, remove_source_references, replace_source_references, set_source_reference_list

Inherited from notebase.NoteBase: add_note, get_note_list, get_referenced_note_handles, remove_note, set_note_list

Inherited from datebase.DateBase: get_date_object, set_date_object

Inherited from attrbase.AttributeBase: add_attribute, get_attribute_list, remove_attribute, set_attribute_list

Inherited from primaryobj.PrimaryObject: get_marker, has_handle_reference, remove_handle_references, replace_handle_reference, set_marker

Inherited from primaryobj.BasicPrimaryObject: get_change_display, get_change_time, get_gramps_id, get_handle, has_media_reference, remove_media_references, replace_media_references, set_gramps_id, set_handle

Inherited from baseobj.BaseObject: get_referenced_handles_recursively, matches_regexp, matches_string

Inherited from privacybase.PrivacyBase: get_privacy, set_privacy

Method Details

__init__(self, source=None)

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Initialize a MediaObject.

If source is not None, then object is initialized from values of the source object.

  • source (MediaObject) - Object used to initialize the new object
Overrides: privacybase.PrivacyBase.__init__


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Convert the data held in the event to a Python tuple that represents all the data elements.

This method is used to convert the object into a form that can easily be saved to a database.

These elements may be primative Python types (string, integers), complex Python types (lists or tuples, or Python objects. If the target database cannot handle complex types (such as objectes or lists), the database is responsible for converting the data into a form that it can use.

Returns: tuple
Returns a python tuple containing the data that should be considered persistent.
Overrides: privacybase.PrivacyBase.serialize

unserialize(self, data)

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Convert the data held in a tuple created by the serialize method back into the data in an Event structure.

  • data (tuple) - tuple containing the persistent data associated the object
Overrides: privacybase.PrivacyBase.unserialize


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Return the list of all textual attributes of the object.

Returns: list
Returns the list of all textual attributes of the object.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_text_data_list


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Return the list of child objects that may carry textual data.

Returns: list
Returns the list of child objects that may carry textual data.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_text_data_child_list


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Return the list of child secondary objects that may refer sources.

Returns: list
Returns the list of child secondary child objects that may refer sources.
Overrides: srcbase.SourceBase.get_sourcref_child_list


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Return the list of child secondary objects that may refer notes.

Returns: list
Returns the list of child secondary child objects that may refer notes.
Overrides: notebase.NoteBase.get_note_child_list


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Return the list of (classname, handle) tuples for all directly referenced primary objects.

Returns: list
List of (classname, handle) tuples for referenced objects.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_referenced_handles


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Return the list of child objects which may, directly or through their children, reference primary objects.

Returns: list
Returns the list of objects refereincing primary objects.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_handle_referents

set_mime_type(self, mime_type)

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Set the MIME type associated with the MediaObject.

  • mime_type (str) - MIME type to be assigned to the object


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Return the MIME type associated with the MediaObject.

Returns: str
Returns the associated MIME type