Package gen :: Package lib :: Module personref :: Class PersonRef
[frames] | no frames]

Class PersonRef

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Person reference class.

This class is for keeping information about how the person relates to another person from the database, if not through family. Examples would be: godparent, friend, etc.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, source=None)
Initialize a PrivacyBase.
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Convert the object to a serialized tuple of data.
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unserialize(self, data)
Convert a serialized tuple of data to an object.
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Return the list of all textual attributes of the object.
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Return the list of child objects that may carry textual data.
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Return the list of child secondary objects that may refer notes.
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Return the list of (classname, handle) tuples for all directly referenced primary objects.
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Return the list of child objects which may, directly or through their children, reference primary objects..
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set_relation(self, rel)
Set relation to a person.
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Return the relation to a person.
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Inherited from secondaryobj.SecondaryObject: is_equal

Inherited from baseobj.BaseObject: get_referenced_handles_recursively, matches_regexp, matches_string

Inherited from privacybase.PrivacyBase: get_privacy, set_privacy

Inherited from srcbase.SourceBase: add_source_reference, get_source_references, get_sourcref_child_list, has_source_reference, remove_source_references, replace_source_references, set_source_reference_list

Inherited from notebase.NoteBase: add_note, get_note_list, get_referenced_note_handles, remove_note, set_note_list

Inherited from refbase.RefBase: get_reference_handle, set_reference_handle

Method Details

__init__(self, source=None)

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Initialize a PrivacyBase.

If the source is not None, then object is initialized from values of the source object.

  • source - Object used to initialize the new object
Overrides: refbase.RefBase.__init__


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Convert the object to a serialized tuple of data.

Overrides: refbase.RefBase.serialize

unserialize(self, data)

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Convert a serialized tuple of data to an object.

Overrides: refbase.RefBase.unserialize


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Return the list of all textual attributes of the object.

Returns: list
Returns the list of all textual attributes of the object.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_text_data_list


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Return the list of child objects that may carry textual data.

Returns: list
Returns the list of child objects that may carry textual data.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_text_data_child_list


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Return the list of child secondary objects that may refer notes.

Returns: list
Returns the list of child secondary child objects that may refer notes.
Overrides: notebase.NoteBase.get_note_child_list


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Return the list of (classname, handle) tuples for all directly referenced primary objects.

Returns: list
List of (classname, handle) tuples for referenced objects.
Overrides: refbase.RefBase.get_referenced_handles


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Return the list of child objects which may, directly or through their children, reference primary objects..

Returns: list
Returns the list of objects refereincing primary objects.
Overrides: baseobj.BaseObject.get_handle_referents