"The electrons closest to the atomic nucleus behave in an apparently arbitrary way. They are found like pairs of sparrows sitting on a wire. Some secret law tells them that in the innermost orbit one pair may sit, the next orbit can take a total of four pairs, the third orbit has nine, and there are sixteen in the fourth orbit. The mathematical law for this had a quadratic nature since these numbers - 1, 4, 9, 16 - can be described as the squares of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4." ... Dr Peter Plichta
This freesite outlines the nature and impact of the remarkable discoveries made by Dr Peter Plichta. Since Plichta's work is so profound and so wide-ranging, this edition concentrates on his success in deciphering the numerical code that governs the structure of the chemical elements, and all matter in the known universe.
In the following content I quote extensively from Peter Plichta's book, God's Secret Formula (click on the 2R Sources link on the sidebar to find the publisher and other details) but I also urge readers of this outline to read the whole work, and then reread it several more times. There is a lot to grasp and, while the structure and operation of the code is elegantly simple, its implications are staggering. People who have been educated in modern science and advanced mathematics will often be shocked at how much ground Plichta's discoveries cut from beneath their feet. It can be a humbling experience and one which those with a vested interest in what has now become superseded knowledge might not enjoy.

The other impact of Plichta's discoveries is theological and spiritual. Elsewhere in the 2nd Renaissance material I quote the reaction of one of the subjects in a series of experiments conducted by Dr Rick Strassman into the effects of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) on humans. This substance produces true hallucinations, in which the visions replace reality convincingly, and it is produced naturally in our bodies. Until Rick Strassman did the experiments, science did not know what human subjects will experience when they are injected with measured doses of DMT, under properly controlled double-blind conditions. Like Plichta's discoveries the results of Strassman's work are truly startling.
The regimen of injections involved several sessions and different steps from 'low dose' to 'high dose' levels, the latter being 0.4 mg/kg. The deep spirituality that many of the volunteers experienced during and following their high dose sessions is captured succinctly in the following comment made by one subject: "You can be an atheist until zero point four".
A similar situation applies in regard to Peter Plichta's discoveries. It is no exaggeration to say that: You can be an atheist until you comprehend the Prime Number Cross..
Plichta does not distinguish between particular gods or religions. He finds some parallels between his discovery of the Prime Number Cross (PNC) and the Christian Bible, but his work is more about the existence of a divine design, rather than determining which of the modern day religions is more 'right' than the others. Since Plichta's book was published, in German in 1995 and English in 1997, scholars have found parallels in the Quran. Doubtless, others will be found in the Hindu texts and various other religious documents from ancient as well as modern civilizations. It should not surprise anyone if it is eventually found that the numerical basis of the universe was known to the astronomer priests who lived on the far side of what the authors Christopher Knight and Alan Butler term The Great Wall Of History - well before the flood. As the 2nd Renaissance unfolds there is a growing convergence of science and religion; a move to repair the rift that was created when materialist, reductionist, science deliberately shook off all notions of a divine order, and initiated a 20th century Scientific Dark Age, in which everything became due to coincidences. Peter Plichta's work takes the rectification of 20th century science's errors forward a long way. Findings such as those from Rick Strassman's experiments complement his work and heighten the reunification of science and spirituality, which will become a hallmark of the 21st century.
The Greatest Crime Of The 20th Century What was the greatest crime of the century just past? Was it the initiation of World War II? Was it the concoction of the AIDS virus? Was it the adoption and spread of capitalism in such a way as to render 5 billion people so poor that they must exist on less than $2 per day? No, it was none of these things, terrible though they were. The greatest crime of the 20th century was the deliberate concealment of emerging scientific knowledge - from the minds of men such as Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, and Nicola Tesla - that could have enabled immediate technological advances. The magic new technologies that are only now starting to appear could have emerged some 70 years earlier. That would have saved hundreds of millions of lives, the environment, and millions of species of plants and animals.
Who was responsible for this terrible concealment of the truth and the manufacture of an improbable set of alternative 'explanations' that came to be taught as knowledge in our schools and universities? Why, it was the scientific establishments that were, and still are, largely dependent for their funding and existence on the central governments of nation states.
What were the reasons for such a gross concealment of the truth? They were twofold. Firstly the nations which subsequently became the nuclear weapons club; principally Britain, Russia, and the United States, wished to exploit the military potential of the new scientific knowledge. Secondly, the major capitalist nations; principally the United States and its close European allies, wished to prevent the emergence of abundance. Abundant energy in particular, based around the discoveries and inventions of Nicola Tesla, would have destroyed the economic advantage of the US and Europe compared to the so-called 'third world' countries. Abundant energy would also have led (as it will in the early 21st century) to the collapse of capitalism and the loss of control of the Old World Order - the 19th and 20th century's colonial and economic powers.
It's truly a wicked world.
Weeds In The Garden Of Knowledge As human knowledge has been rebuilt after the Dark Ages that preceded the first Renaissance in Europe, new empirical findings and new theories have been sown like seeds in a garden. Many of the notions and theories that did not stand up to experimental scrutiny were uprooted, and they ceased to be a part of the curriculums of educational institutions. Then, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, various knowledge 'weeds' were planted in a deliberate attempt to conceal information and principles of military significance from humanity at large.
It took a gifted chemist, original thinker, and dogged researcher to unravel the tangle of incorrect assertions and deliberate omissions in relation to the governing principle behind atomic structure, the order and nature of the chemical elements, and how energy is shaped and matter is manifested. Working outside the realm of institutionalised, grant-governed science - for some 40 years - Dr Peter Plichta eventually succeeded in identifying and uprooting the weeds in the knowledge garden that were concealing what is nothing less than a divine order and design underpinning the world we experience, and the universe beyond.
Weeds In Our Knowledge Of The Chemical Elements All the matter we experience; everything, animals, plants, rocks, air, the oceans ... , is made up of molecules formed from a small number of naturally occurring chemical elements. The following table shows the conventional arrangement of the elements in the Periodic Table.

Two scientists, one a chemist and the other a physicist, devised similar periodic tables in 1869. Because he published his table first the honour of devising the periodic table is accorded to Dimitry Mendeleyev (1834-1907). While the contribution of the German, Julius Lothar Meyer (1830-1895) is largely ignored.
Mendeleyev set out the then known elements in order of their atomic weights and found that elements of similar chemical properties appeared at regular intervals, or periods; hence his table became known as the Periodic Table.
Although, in 1869, he knew little about the composition of atoms or what governed their behaviour, Mendeleyev was able to distinguish their relative atomic weights, from the work of scientists like Amadeo Avogardo and John Dalton, and use these numbers to put them in order. Avogardo had determined that at the same temperature and pressure equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules. He could determine that a litre of oxygen weighed 16 times more than a litre of hydrogen, and reasoned that an atom of oxygen must weigh 16 times more than an atom of hydrogen. Dalton had discovered that the weights of elements involved in a chemical reaction had always to be in certain proportions. So, when hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water; H2O, the weight of oxygen has to be eight times that of the hydrogen, or the reaction will leave a residue of one of the elements. These empirical findings were correct and they enabled Mendeleyev to devise his periodic table, but it was not weight that was producing the order, but number. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom has only one component, a single proton, while that of an oxygen atom has 16 components, eight protons and eight neutrons. The oxygen atom weighs sixteen times more than a hydrogen atom because of the number of components in its nucleus.
Sixty three years were to elapse before scientists came to define atomic weight in terms of the combined number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. This is how Peter Plichta explains atomic weight: - "The atomic nucleus also contains, in addition to its protons, neutron particles - that is particles with a neutral charge. This remained undiscovered until 1932 [when Sir James Chadwick first identified neutrons]. The beryllium nucleus, for example, has four protons and five neutrons. Four and five together gives the so-called atomic weight 9. ... Before 1932 nobody knew why the atomic number 4 and the atomic weight 9 did not match."
The following diagrams depict the atomic structures of several chemical elements. To anyone who has received a conventional education in science there is nothing remarkable about them.

However, it needs to be remembered that while such diagrams represent experimentally determined structures the models that have been devised to explain the observed phenomena are entirely theoretical. Nobody has ever actually seen an electron, only the tracks they make in cloud chambers. Yet the theoretical explanations for the sturctures of the chemical elements are routinely presented to students and ordinary people on the street as proven fact.
Reference books, text books, and lecture notes from chemistry departments in our teaching institutions all carry similar messages. The following excerpts are from one such guide to the elements. It was published in (1998), some three years after Plichta first published his discoveries in German and a year after God's Secret Formula was published in English. - "... We know today that only 91 such elements exist naturally on the Earth. They range from hydrogen, the lightest element, to uranium, the heaviest. Actually, several more elements do exist, but these have to be made artificially in laboratories.
The basic components of each chemical element are atoms. The atoms of an element consist of three kinds of particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons exist at the core, or nucleus, of the atom. One of the important ways in which these two kinds of particles differ from one another is that each proton carries a single, positive electric charge, whereas a neutron carries no electric charge. Electrons, which are much smaller than either protons or neutrons, each carry a single negative electric charge. Electrons are present at some distance from the nucleus of the atom and travel rapidly around it in complex paths known as orbits. Under normal circumstances, the number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus of a particular atom is exactly equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom, so that the overall positive electric charge provided by the protons is exactly balanced by the overall negative charge provided by the electrons orbiting its nucleus." - "[Henry] Moseley's experiments [using X rays] demonstrated that what distinguishes one element from another is its atomic number, the number of protons in the nucleus of its atoms, not its atomic weight, which is a measure of the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. The correct way of ordering the elements in the periodic table was, therefore, by their atomic number, and not, as Mendeleyev had thought, by their atomic weight.
Although all the atoms of a given element have the same number of protons, they can have different numbers of neutrons. This explains, for example, why there are three different species of the element hydrogen. Ordinarily, a hydrogen atom has a lone proton in its nucleus and no neutrons. A heavier form of hydrogen, called deuterium, also has a single proton in the nucleus but contains a neutron as well. A still heavier form of hydrogen, known as tritium, has two neutrons in addition to the proton. [This isotope of hydrogen is unstable, with a half-life of 12.3 years,] These three species are called isotopes of the element hydrogen. Yet even though a deuterium atom, because of its extra neutron, weighs twice as much as an ordinary hydrogen atom, its chemical behaviour is similar to that of hydrogen, indicating that the number of protons in the nucleus is what determines the behaviour of each element. Like hydrogen, the majority of the elements have isotopes. Some elements have only two isotopes, while others can have as many as eight or nine. It is a remarkable fact that the relative percentage, or abundance, of each of the various isotopes of any element is the same all over the Earth [and presumably the known universe]. The existence of isotopes also explains why the atomic weight is an unreliable indicator of the position of an element in the periodic table. For any element, the atomic weight really measures the average weight of a mixture of its different isotopes. On this basis, it is possible for an element like argon, which has an atomic number of 18, to exist in a mixture of isotopes that have a greater average atomic weight than that of potassium, whose atomic number is 19. The atomic weight [actually the atomic mass] in the [modern] periodic table is often a number with a decimal fraction. The atomic weight of calcium, Ca, for example, is 40.08. The nucleus of the calcium atom cannot contain 0.08 of a neutron. This number is derived by averaging the weights of the isotopes of calcium that occur together, some of which have more than 20 neutrons in the nucleus." .
There are several aspects of the above, quite typical explanation of the prevailing theory of the atomic structure of the chemical elements, that are not only completely unproven, but which also serve to obfuscate the true nature of matter. Peter Plichta does not go so far as to accuse the scientific establishment of deliberately misleading us in order to conceal information vital to the production of weapons of mass destruction. He simply sees tenured academics as perpetuating false theories in order to preserve their standing and reputation. However, I have sufficiently researched the suppression of knowledge and inventions during the 20th century to come to believe that at least some of the errors that continue to be promulgated with regard to atomic structures are designed to make it extremely difficult for independent minds to uncover the truth. It has nothing to do with reputations, but everything to do with maintaining a military advantage by keeping the secrets of the atom from society at large.
Here are three theoretical inaccuracies which are typically presented as proven facts by institutionalised science. - The number of stable elements is NOT 91 or 92
The most crucial misrepresentation is the glib statement that there are 91 (some texts say 92) naturally occurring elements. The fact is that there are exactly EIGHTY ONE chemical elements that are entirely stable - no more, no less - and there is a fundamental, and indisputable, reason why this is so. - Electrons don't exist in 'complex orbits' or 'energy shells'.
Until Plichta made his discoveries, science had no valid explanation for Bohr's observations of the behaviour of electrons in the atomic model. Now, thank's to Dr Plichta, we know that electrons exist in number shells around the nucleus of each atom. - Atomic Mass Units are NOT the same as Atomic Weights
The adoption, in the 1960s, of Atomic Mass in lieu of Atomic Weight served to obfuscate the existence of patterns in the isotopes of the chemical elements. It was the study of such patterns that provided Peter Plichta with important clues in his search for the truth about the nature of matter. Although many textbooks tell students that the atomic mass unit (amu) replaces atomic weight, they are two fundamentally different concepts. The amu simply averages the relative weights of the isotopes of each element and produces results with decimal fractions, not whole numbers. The atomic weight is really a count of the combined number of protons and neutrons in each isotope. It can reveal patterns and relationships which the amu can't.
Plichta Realised How Little Was Really Known Writing of an intermediate stage of his investigations, before he had finally cracked the problem of what matter is and where it comes from, Plichta says, - "The empirical findings of quantum mechanics are correct, but the theoretical suppositions inferred from them have tended only to obscure many aspects of our understanding of nature, The extension of theories of quantum mechanics is even proclaimed as an approach supported by nature. The essence of physics can, however, never have any real contact with quantum mechanics. We do not know why electrons are located so precisely at energy levels governed by apparently sound numerical laws. But it is possible, for instance, to continue accumulating empirical data by spectral analysis to a degree that allows us to forget the shortcomings in our basic understanding of the world."
- "When, for example, a colourless solution of a material A is mixed with another colourless solution B and a thick, blue deposit immediately forms, the postulation is made that this happens because A is reacting with B. Why precisely this is so, why this will also happen at the other end of the universe, and why it will continue to happen in the infinitely distant future - these are all questions that remain unanswered. Such questions are not even asked in the first place. They did not occur to me at the time either. There was so much written about all the things we know that for some time I did not notice how much we did not know."
- "When two atoms are chemically linked, the chemist links them in his mind and in his diagrams by a stroke. The chemical bond is, in fact, effected by two electrons from the different atoms that hold each other. They are called electron pairs or twins. This pairing of electrons is one of the foundations of chemistry. Electron pair bonding is the reason why different atoms join to form molecules.
The physicist is not concerned with the creation of bonds between different atoms but rather with precise observations of the movement of electrons. Electrons can break away from the atom in certain situations - for instance in a television tube. Chemists and physicists therefore observe the behaviour of electrons from totally different perspectives. This is why completely different statements are made about what is clearly the same thing. In electron physics, electrons are particles with the same electric charge which are mutually repellent and could never get it into their heads to come together and form a pair of electron twins. When I had fully comprehended this contradiction I realised something very significant. Had I been only a chemist, I would have been totally indifferent to the physics of electrons because electron pairing is a proven fact. If, on the other hand, I had been only a physicist, I would have been equally indifferent to the chemistry of electrons because the repellent forces of two electrons is also a fact. My problem is that I was apparently going to become both - a chemist and a physicist."
Plichta Addressed Questions Institutionalised Science Had Ignored Peter Plichta began by asking questions which, although they are obvious, had not been asked by orthodox science. He wondered why the atomic numbers of the elements run through the sequence of natural numbers, and why the elements with atomic numbers 43 and 61 should be so unstable that they do not occur naturally. He wondered why some elements have several stable atomic forms, as oxygen does, and why others, such as bismuth, have only one stable atomic structure - its other forms being subject to a process of radioactive 'decay'. There were no satisfactory answers available, so Plichta had to seek them out for himself.
The isotopes of the stable elements turned out to be one of the keys by which Peter Plichta was to discover the true nature of matter. He found telltale patterns in the distribution of the isotopes and these led him to the discovery of the natural law involved, and to a full understanding of the role the prime numbers play in this process. Here are some excerpts from what he wrote about isotopes. - "The atomic nucleus also contains, in addition to its protons, neutron particles - that is particles with a neutral charge. ..."
- "Bismuth, the last stable element, has an atomic weight of 209, although it has the atomic number 83. If you subtract the number of protons (83) from the number 209 (the atomic weight) you get 126. That is the exact number of neutrons in the bismuth atom. It should be clearly emphasised at this point that nobody in the world knows why there should be precisely 126 neutrons and not 127 or 125.
This particular form is referred to as bismuth isotope 209, because there are also other bismuth nuclei that have different numbers of neutrons. Such nuclei are, however, unstable and 'decay' into atomic nuclei with other atomic numbers. They are then no longer atoms of bismuth. The process of decay is called radioactivity. Because there is only one stable bismuth isotope, it is classed among the pure isotopes as are all other elements with only one stable isotope. There are also elements with several stable atomic forms. One example is element number 8, oxygen, which has three forms of atom with different neutron-proton ratios: one isotope with 8 neutrons and atomic weight 16; one with 9 neutrons and atomic weight 17; and a third with 10 neutrons and atomic weight 18. All these go under the name oxygen. Neither schools or universities seem to be capable of communicating this elementary knowledge in an understandable way. But we may liken an element with isotopes to a family with children. No matter how many children there are, the family remains the family. So an element remains that element no matter how many isotopes it has. Yet although greater numbers of children in a family are not unknown, one element can have an absolute maximum of ten isotopes. Nobody knows why this is so. It is perhaps characteristic that scarcely any physicist or chemist with the title of doctor has any knowledge of this limit of ten."
In his book, God's Secret Formula - Deciphering The Riddle of the Universe and The Prime Number Code, Peter Plichta includes a table of the 81 stable elements together with details of their isotopes. Such tabular information is remarkably scarce and is not to be found in present-day text books on chemistry or physics. Nor is the information in the table usually provided during school classes or university lectures. A lot of other information and details about isotopes are taught, but not this information, not the patterns shown in this table.
Click on the small image to go to a larger view of the table, read through the list of unevenly numbered elements (1 Hydrogen, 3 Lithium, 5 Boron, etc) and see if you can find any that do not have either 2 stable isotopes or a single (pure) isotope. Yes, there is one, element 19, Potassium, has 3 isotopes. However all the rest of the elements with uneven atomic numbers have either a pure or a double isotope. Does this strike you as indicative of some underlying rule, or is it just coincidence?
There are 83 elements shown in the table, if we take out elements, 43 technetium, and 61 promethium, because they are unstable and do not occur naturally, we are left with 81 stable elements. One of these elements is hydrogen, the first in the Periodic Table, with an atomic number of 1. If we leave aside hydrogen we are left with 80 elements. Now go back to the table included above and count the number of elements, excluding those three just mentioned, that have a double isotope. The sequence goes: helium; lithium; boron; nitrogen; chlorine; and so on through to thallium. There are 20 elements in the list, one quarter of the eighty stable elements left after hydrogen, (which is the basic building block of all matter).
Look at the two shared characteristics of this group of elements, all of the twenty have dual isotopes but when it comes to an uneven atomic number only nineteen of the elements in the group share this particular characteristic. Helium is the odd-one-out in that, although it has 2 isotopes it has an even atomic number. So we can describe the double isotope group as being 1+19, rather than 20. This might not seem too strange until you count the other group of 20 elements, those that have a single (pure) isotope. Then you find out that, again, we have a 1+19 situation. Beryllium is then the odd-one-out, because it has an even atomic number and all the rest of the group have uneven numbers.
In much the same manner, it can be shown that the remaining 40 stable elements also divide into two groups of 20, and that each of these groups is comprised of elements that exhibit the 1+19 pattern.
Now, you and I might not be able to explain this in the detailed way that Peter Plichta has managed to do, but we can count and we can reason. A process of counting quickly tells us that the grouping patterns are, indeed, real. A process of reasoning tells us that this cannot possibly be due to chance or coincidence. Some hidden rule is at work in the structure of the elements.
Patterns In The Atom The following excerpts from God's Secret Formula expand on the non-coincidental forms and patterns found in atomic structures.
- "Whereas the positively charged protons are concentrated in an unimaginably small nucleus, the particles with the opposite charge cannot form any such conglomeration because they are mutually repellent. This statement is, however, not without qualification. The electrons closest to the atomic nucleus behave in an apparently arbitrary way. They are found like pairs of sparrows sitting on a wire. Some secret law tells them that in the innermost orbit one pair may sit, the next orbit can take a total of four pairs, the third orbit has nine, and there are sixteen in the fourth orbit. The mathematical law for this had a quadratic nature since these numbers - 1, 4, 9, 16 - can be described as the squares of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Because further shells then follow, it might be supposed that 25 pairs are located in the fifth orbit. In fact, the law only applies to the first four shells. Furthermore, we know that there are only four types of electrons in the shells." - ".. The squares of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 - also called the main quantum numbers of the electron cloud - must have something to do with the numbers themselves.
This is the way it was seen too by Arnold Somerfeld, who spent many years of his life subjecting problems of theoretical physics to investigations in number theory. .... Somerfeld knew that two elements attempting to form a bond would try to share their electrons in such a way that they would have eight electrons at their higher energy levels, four electron twins. These four electron pairs are not all the same. Three pairs, referred to as p-electrons, make up one family, whereas the fourth pair is not related to them. Even today, scientists have not the faintest idea why this is so. They accept it as it is and are proud of what they know." - "As shown in the table of the 81 stable elements [above], the elements from 1 to 20 are a prime group of elements [Plichta does not mean they have prime atomic numbers, only that they form a primary grouping or foundation]. From element 21 on, the inclusion of electrons in lower shells begins. .... these processes in the electron shells are accompanied by parallel processes in the atomic nucleus of which only a few chemists and physicists are aware. The first 20 atomic nuclei follow a rule that relates to the additional inclusion of neutrons and does not need to be explained further here,
From element 21 on, each atomic nucleus contains more neutrons than protons. For the uneven-numbered elements 21 to 83, additional neutrons and different quantities in each case are appended on top of the normal neutrons corresponding to the number of protons. This follows in accordance with precise rules: the element 21 has three additional neutrons and thus has an atomic weight of 45 (21 + 21 + 3). The element 83 contains 43 additional neutrons, and for the even-numbered elements similar rules apply. In all, from element 21 to element 83 (omitting the elements 43 and 61) 61 elements thus hold increasingly high numbers of neutrons." - ".... Neutrons tend to evade experimental investigation because they have no charge. This is why the very existence of the neutron was only proved in 1932. The true significance of the third atomic particle has never been connected to the notion of numbers, or even to the charge number 0. It was not thought proper to link the essence of the neutral nucleic component to numbers and quantity since the prevailing opinion was that numbers can only be coincidence.
Numbers are conventionally categorised into even and uneven numbers. Conventional logic also prohibits a number from being both even and uneven. Every investigation of nuclear laws according to number theory would have to fail. The additional neutrons without which the nuclei could not be stable led to similar difficulties, in the case of the atomic shells, over how equally-charged electrons can come together to form pairs. In the atomic nucleus similarly-charged protons also link up, as in reality should not happen. A new theory had to be invented - one which could scarcely be more embarrassing: the 'glue theory'. The explanation is given in all seriousness by professors and receivers of the Nobel Prize throughout the world that the additional neutrons prevent the nucleus from falling apart. One should imagine them as a type of glue. The appalling scandal of such a theory is easily exposed in the case of the final stable element. It is stable with 43 extra neutrons, but with 42 or 44 neutrons it is unstable. Similar cases can be found for many other elements." - "Further investigation of the 81 stable elements in the Periodic Table - without the element 19 - from the point of view of number theory resulted in 75 elements; i.e.
3 times 19 have divisible atomic numbers, and the remaining 19 have prime atomic numbers. After I discovered the 3 + 1 law as the foundation of the Prime Number Cross in 1980, and had thus caused the conditions necessary to cast some light into the dark recesses of the electrons shell, I now found the same (3 + 1) plan in the atomic nucleus. The law thus centres on 4 times (1 + 19). This law would not be fulfilled if two prime number elements had not been barred from taking part in natural existence."
The following table shows the reality of the four groupings that Plichta discerned.

Besides the divisibility of their atomic numbers it is their isotopic characteristics; whether they are pure [single] isotopes, double isotopes, or multiple isotopes, that governs the placement of the chemical elements in the table.
While there are 76, or 4 x 19, elements that fit into one or other of the four columns, there are five others that don't fit both the divisibility and isptopic criteria of the groups of nineteen. Thus, in the leftmost group, nineteen of the elements all have atomic numbers that are divisible by 4, and they also have multiple isotopes. The element Beryllium, which stands above the leftmost group of 19 elements, fits the criteria for divisibility because it has an atomic number of 4, but it is a pure element with only a single stable isotope.
Similarly, in the next group where all the elements have atomic numbers that are divisible by 2, and are also multiple isotopes, the element Helium stands above the group. Although helium has an atomic number that is divisible by 2, it is a double rather than a multiple isotope.
In the next group, in which 19 elements elements have divisible atomic numbers (other than by 4 or by 2) and either pure or double isotopes. The element Carbon stands above this group of 19 elements. It has an atomic number (6) that is divisible by 2, but fits the isotopic properties of the group by having 2+1 isotopes.
In the rightmost group of 19 elements the atomic numbers are indivisible except by themselves and one - they are prime numbers. All are either pure or double isotopes. Note that hydrogen, which was taken out of consideration by Plichta when he was analysing the elements that arise from this fundamental building block, has been included in this group. This has been done because nuclear, or atomic number, characteristics are now being considered, (the table thus covers all 81 stable elements). Above the rightmost group is the element Lithium which, to most of us, seems to fit both criteria; it is indivisible and is a double isotope. Plichta sets it above the rest because his work has led him to the realisation that although the numbers 2 and 3 are traditionally included in the sequence of primes, they are essentially different from all following primes, (see God's Secret Formula for his explanation).
Finally, and very importantly, the element Potassium which has the atomic number 19 is set above all the rest. Unlike all the other unevenly numbered elements potassium has 3 isotopes (rather than being either a pure or double isotope). Although it is odd it behaves as if it is an evenly numbered element. Plichta discovered that, as the 19th element, potassium is the key to the numerical structure that is manifest in the Prime Number Cross and which, literally, governs the formation and structure of the natural world that we experience.
The Naysayer's Dilemma There can be absolutely no doubt that the above patterns exist within the chemical elements - one only has to arrange and count them to be certain of this fact. Anyone who wishes to deny Plichta's explanations for the patterns can do so, although he does have mathematical proofs that support his discoveries. However, nobody can deny the numerical patterns themselves. The dilemma that all naysayers within the community of grant-governed science now face is this: If they refute Dr Plichta's explanations for the patterns they must supply soundly reasoned and verifiable alternative explanations. Coincidence simply can no longer be invoked as an explanation. The patterns are far too ordered and extensive for that, they simply shout of a "Hidden Law" behind the structure of the elements, and therefore matter itself.
The following table elaborates the pattern further. After he had noticed the 4 x (1+19) rule in the divisibility of the atomic numbers of the stable elements Peter Plichta then discerned a relationship governing their isotopic properties. The pure isotopes are made up of eight elements that have prime atomic numbers and a further eleven with divisible, odd atomic numbers. The same 8 to 11 proportion is also evident for the double isotopes group, and for the multiple isotopes groups that have atomic numbers divisible by 4 or 2.

Click the Table for a LARGER Image
Again, this simply can't be put down to coincidence. Anybody who wishes to challenge Dr Plichta's explanation for these patterns must have a better explanation of their own, and one that does not involve chance.
Other Patterns Keyed To 19 If, as Peter Plichta has found, the number 19 is the key to the structure of the chemical elements, we should expect to find its influence everywhere in the natural world. This is, indeed, the case. Here are some excerpts from God's Secret Formula relating to biology and astronomy. - "... the proteins that make up everything from bacteria, which have no cellular body, to mammals are composed of only 20 amino acids. This is also true for all types of vegetation from green algae to flowers. ..."
- "One other thing about these amino acids I found particularly intriguing. They are made up of 19 left-oriented amino acids (the right-oriented amino acids do not occur in nature but can be synthesised in the laboratory). In addition there is one amino acid that has no optical centre and that can therefore be said to have both a left and right orientation. ...
Life is therefore coded with 19 left-oriented amino acids, ..." - "I now knew that the same number sequence occurs in both biochemistry and nuclear chemistry:1 + 19 amino acids
and 1 + 19 pure isotopes."And: - "The Earth is the third planet of the solar system. The distance between the Earth and the sun is roughly 150 million kilometres (92 million miles). If this distance were either 1 per cent less or 1 per cent greater no life on our planet would be possible. How nice for us that it should be just the right distance!
The length of an Earth-year measures approximately 365.25 days. Because we count 365 days for 3 years, we have to count 366 days for 1 year. This natural 3+1 law is not affected by the fact that every 400 years a further day must be added. But could these durations of orbit - 27.32 days for the Moon and 366 days per leap year for the Earth - be only an expression of the reciprocal connection between these dual planets? When these fractions are worked out, they confirm the suspicion exactly to the fourth decimal place: 1/27.32 = 0.03660 ... and 1/366 = 0,002732 ...Because the distance between the Earth and the sun is scarcely a coincidence, I found the reciprocal correlation of the times of orbit of the Earth and Moon fascinating. It was a crime of literally astronomical proportions to hide this fact from the public - just because nothing could be allowed to exist that should not exist ..." - "I had always considered the Moon to be the Earth's smaller co-planet. What is the relationship between the mass of the Moon and that of the Earth? I looked it up. The ration is 1 : 81. The ratio 1 to 81 is written mathematically as 1/81 = 0.0123.
So there it was again, the 34 law. In relation to the aforementioned astronomical data, it is totally impossible that the Moon is a body from somewhere else out in the universe only captured by the Earth as a satellite by chance. I felt that everybody on this planet really ought to know this fact." - "The distance, size and path of the three heavenly bodies, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, are arranged ingeniously from an astronomical point of view. That eclipses can occur at all while these bodies move in their courses is a wonder. The diameter of the Earth, Moon and sun, and their relative distances from each other are such that the sun (which is much larger) takes up the same space in our view as the Moon. And this is why these three spheres cover each other for a short time in a total eclipse. The best Swiss watchmaker could not have worked with greater precision. In earlier times astronomers gave a lot of thought to this incredible 'coincidence'.
The reason these eclipses occur only periodically is the rise and fall of the Moon in the course of its orbit around the Earth, of which most people are not aware. After every 18 years and 11.33 days (6,595.78 days) this eclipse arrangement recurs with the greatest precision. It can be calculated to show that such a cycle corresponds to a whole number of eclipse years. The relationship between 6,585.78 days and the length of an eclipse year measuring 346.62 days is 6585.78 : 346,62 = 19 eclipse years.The Saros cycle of a total of 8 eclipse occurrences in exactly 19 eclipse years was known to all advanced cultures, including the ancient Celts and Nordic Germanic races. Today it is not considered important enough to tell our high-school students. The prime number 19 and its relation to the Moon is not even considered significant by the very few scientists who are aware of the fact. Otherwise they would have to admit that it is not a coincidence." - At another point in his book Plichta makes the following observation:
"... In our schools an abundance of material is crammed into the pupil's heads, and nobody seems to care that most of this knowledge is forgotten immediately after the exams. this is the exact reverse of the maxim non scholae sed vitae ( [we learn] not for school but for life). How can young people be expected to learn to recognise connections and correspondences between different aspects of their knowledge, and to pose the question 'Why?', when natural God-given curiosity - which is present in all young people - is not supported and strengthened?" How indeed? Western education systems that were originally designed to produce 'factory fodder' for the industrial revolution are now woefully inadequate for the new knowledge age and a 2nd Renaissance. One of the major flaws is due to a deep reluctance to teach or encourage thinking in any subject matter that smacks of mysticism or spirituality. Yet it is in such areas that many of the missing answers in science and mathematics lie.
Some Numerical Facts While this edition of this freesite concentrates on the numerical order that governs the structure of the chemical elements, and does not cover other aspects of Peter Plichta's discoveries in any depth, there are several facts that should be noted here.
The Prime Number Cross Over a period of several decades Peter Plichta's research and original thinking led him to the discovery of a model that he terms The Prime Number Cross (PNC). While it is likely that Dr Plichta is not the first person to uncover and understand the Prime Number Cross, his efforts are by no means diminished by this possibility. The priests of ancient Egypt held the number 8 to be sacred, and indeed its role in obscuring the truth about the number 81 and the infinite sequence of all numbers has been very significant.
Plichta himself notes the striking similarity between the cross of the order of Christian knights, that persists to this day as the emblem of the St John Ambulance brigade, and the structure of the Prime Number Cross that he discovered through his study of chemistry and mathematics. He also makes it clear that he does not claim to have invented the PNC but rather discovered it. In his view the design of such a perfect and elegant model can only be of divine origin. Here is a diagram that shows the Prime Number Cross. It is arguably one of the most important images on the Internet. People who are unaware of the reality of the PNC are seriously uninformed.

In this freesite, I only provide a generalised overview of the nature and absolute centrality of the Prime Number Cross in ordering the structure of everything we perceive. There is not sufficient space to explain all the details. However Dr Plichta has written two books about the PNC and it is in these that you can find the full explanations. The more rigorously mathematical of the two; The Prime Number Cross, is in the German language. However the English edition of God's Secret Formula contains quite adequate explanations. It lacks the proofs of Plichta's discoveries, but it gives full and easily understood details of the underlying bases of the PNC.- If you refer to the above PNC diagram you will see that it is based on the infinite series of natural numbers;0123456789(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)....∞
- There are 24 rays that radiate from the notional centre of the structure, which is really the frontier between the whole numbers and the reciprocal numbers. The latter sequence starts with 1/1, 1/2. 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 .... and never ends. The reciprocal sequence approaches zero, but never reaches it. So, on the outer 'edge' of the PNC there are increasingly large whole numbers that grow towards infinity, and in the centre of the PNC is a space in which the reciprocal numbers diminish towards zero. The PNC has no outer 'edge', nor does it have a tangible 'centre'. At the outer boundary is endlessness and at the inner boundary is nothingness. Both are difficult concepts to grasp, but quite real.
- There are 24 numbers in each shell of the PNC. In the first shell the sequence begins with 12 and proceeds in a clockwise manner. Plichta uses 12 as the starting point because, mathematically, the number 1 is a squared number.(-1)2 = +1
The first shell contains the number pair -1, +1 and three other prime number twins. Thus: -1, 24, +1 5, 6, 7 11, 12, 13 17, 18, 19The number 24 and zero share the same point on the first number ring; between 23 (also -1) and 1 (12). The next shell starts with the number 25 which is located above 12, 26 is above 2, 27 is above 3, 28 above 4, and the prime number 29 is above the prime number 5. In this fashion all the prime numbers fall on just eight rays of the PNC. These rays begin with the numbers 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23 (-1). By shading the areas between these rays with the colour blue I have highlighted the shape of the cross of the Christian knights of St John. All prime numbers fall on the eight edges of this cross.

- Note that the PNC diagram, on which somewhat more than half the numbers have been labelled, shows how eight rays contain prime numbers, another eight rays contain numbers that are divisible by 2, and a third set of eight rays contain numbers divisible by 3.
Plichta's investigations led him to the following insight: 1 — 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, ... 2 — 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, 28, 32, ... 3 — 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, ... The initial numbers of three number categories of equal size have, logically, to be primes. They are, in the original meaning of the French term nombre primeurs, 'first numbers'. Moreover, Dr Plichta did not make the mistake of beginning his analysis of the prime numbers from the number 2. Instead he began with the number 5 and uncovered relationships that had been masked by the conventional view of prime numbers in modern mathematics. He describes the errors of conventional mathematics in this way. - "... Because the root of the number 1 can be easily calculated (-1 x -1 = + 1), it is by definition not considered to be a prime number. The usual sequence of prime numbers is therefore2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ...
No doubts have ever been raised about this definition, and mathematicians have therefore fallen headlong into a trap of enormous proportions. ... After 1 was removed from the sequence of prime numbers, the first prime number was the number 2. Among the infinite number of prime numbers, it is the only one that is even. The fact that this was simply accepted was the second major source of error, and led inevitably with the next prime number, 3, to a trap in which we lost sight of the divine order contained in the numbers 1, 2 and 3." - "... I had found a triplicate in all disciplines. In the myths and legends of all cultures, the numbers 1, 2 and 3 played a very prominent part (eg three guesses, three wishes). Was it not ironic that mathematics, the subject that deals with numbers, should happen to be the one field in which the numbers 1, 2 and 3 have no special significance?"
- "... I started my examination of the prime numbers with the prime number 5:
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, ... When I studied this arrangement I discerned a system that was related to multiplies of the number 6. Around the number 6, the prime number twins 5 and 7 are found; around the number 12 there are the twins 11 and 13; and around 18 the twins 17 and 19. When we move a further six places, we should expect to find the twins 23 and 25. However, here the natural sequence of the first three prime number twins is not continued: 25 is not a prime number, it is the square of the original prime number 5. Consequently, the number twins 23 and 25 begin a new section which continues to recur to infinity. Prime numbers or prime number twins will always occur around a number divisible by 6, although these positions - around a multiple of 6 - will for combinational reasons be occupied by products of the previous prime numbers - 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ...25 as the product of 5 x 5, 35 as the product of 5 x 7, 49 as the product of 7 x 7, 55 as the product of 4 x 11, etc. This pattern based on 6 means that the product of 0 x 6 = 0 must be found at six to the left of the number 6. The number 0 must therefore also be surrounded by a number twin: -1, 0, 1The sequence of the first four number twins is therefore (-1;1) — (5;7) — (11; 13) — (17;19)Such a coding exemplified by 1 and 3 had been my quest for half a lifetime."
- The above prime number twins are the starting points for the prime number rays of the PNC shown in blue in the diagram.
The 'zero' or 24 ray that lies between the first number pair is also significant.The numbers on this ray increase by 24 from shell to shell. 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, ... The next ray of the PNC contains the squares of the numbers in which it is coded. 12, 52, 72, 112, 132, 172, 192, 232, ...Mathematically, the PNC is a factorial-4 cross: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 (=4!)This is the reason that all the squares of the prime numbers are situated on the ray that begins with 12. If 1 is added to 48 the value 49 is the square of the prime number 7. If 1 is added to 120 the value 121 is the square of the prime number 11, and so on. - The sum of the numbers 1 through 24, on the first shell of the PNC, totals exactly 300. This set Dr Plichta thinking. He writes:
- "When I added the numbers on the second circle I arrived at the total 876. I immediately realised that exactly 24 was missing to make a round number 900. Should I perhaps therefore begin with 24 and not with 25 when counting the second circle? I played with the idea of counting 25 numbers on each circle. The point of intersection between the two circles is counted twice as a starting and a final number. I obtained the following values:
1st circle: 0 + 1 + 2 ... + 24 = 300 = 1 x 300 2nd circle: 24 = 25 + 26 ... + 48 = 900 = 3 x 300 3rd circle: 48 + 49 + 50 ... + 72 = 1,500 = 5 x 300 4th circle: 72 + 73 + 74 ... + 96 = 2,100 = 7 x 300 etc. The basic value 300 clearly increased over the sequence of uneven numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ... This was certainly related to the law of uneven numbers, and had been known even to Pythagoras. As a schoolboy I had noticed when looking at tiled walls that squares of tiles follow a certain law of multiplication. If you start with one square tile, the next largest square is achieved by adding three tiles at one corner. The square now consists of four tiles. If a further five tiles are added at one of the corners, the result is an even larger square consisting of nine tiles. The next tiled squares have 16, 25, 36 tiles, and so on. The sum of these uneven numbers of added tiles 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ... always gives a series of squared numbers beginning with 12. This is followed by 1 + 3 = 4 = 22, then 1 = 3 = 5 = 9 = 32, then 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16 = 42, and so on. The first uneven number gives 12. If the first two uneven numbers are added the result is 22. The sum of the first three uneven numbers gives 42, and so on. The simplicity and elegance of this law is not taught in our schools. If it were, it would be possible to make the most important law of physics, Newton's reciprocal square law, comprehensible to ten-year olds. This does not involve any complicated material normally taught in universities, but only the presentation of amazing insights into the numerical background of the universe." The tiles analogy is also an example of the inherently countable nature of matter, it demonstrates that number is a property of grouped objects. You can use whatever labels you like, one, two, or goo, zoo, to label the steps of quantity, but the steps exist physically. The labels are human inventions but the steps of quantity are not.

- Plichta explains that for all operations with numbers arranged on the shells of the PNC the same quadratic law applies:
- "If the numbers 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. on the first circle are added, the basic value 300 is achieved. This basic value corresponds to one tile in our example. To be mathematically correct it is 300 x 12. Because the sum of the numbers on the second circle is 900, the total for the first and second circle together is 300 + 900 = 1,200, ie 300 x 22. The sum of the numbers on the first three circles [tiles] measures 300 + 900 + 1,500 = 2,700. This corresponds to 300 x 32.
The enlargement of the number quantities (sums) on the circles [tiles] of the Prime Number Cross thus run through the product of the basic value 300 with the square numbers 12, 22. 32, 42 ... By these square numbers the number of electron twins on the atomic shell also increases. Everything we know about the atom was discovered by observation and meticulous experiment. The Prime Number Cross corresponds to the atomic model and provides the theoretical background. What better proof for the real existence of numbers could one wish for?"
- Dr Plichta went on to show a direct correlation between the PNC's expansion constant of 3 and the speed of light. He was also able to explain how the numerical structure of the PNC is the basis for the accurate transmission of information via light, sound and radio waves. These aspects are not discussed here because the focus of this edition is on the chemical elements. However, it is clear from God's Secret Formula that the Prime Number Cross provides the numerical basis for everything that happens in the natural world. It's a book that will repay its reading many times over.
The Natural Order Of The Chemical Elements Like everybody else who was ever taught chemistry, even at the most basic level, I learned the conventional Periodic Table. I memorised a structure much like the table shown earlier, so that I might pass exams in the subject of chemistry. I had to resort to rote memorisation because, like most people, I had no idea of any meaningful pattern or order in the chemical elements. The arrangement of the Periodic Table of the elements seemed to me to be just a set of groupings of their properties, without any underlying principle that I could learn.
Had I, or any other student who ever learned chemistry, been taught the subject according to the discoveries of Dr Plichta, I would not have needed to memorise a table of properties and characteristics. I would have known then, and would still remember today, how to correctly position the chemical elements according to the simple and beautifully elegant numerical construction plan for all matter. What a pity I and so many others wasted our time learning chemistry in such a blind fashion that we quickly forgot the 'knowledge' we gained.
Here are some of the deep insights into matter that students of science should be gaining in schools and universities.
- The PNC is a two-dimensional representation of atomic structure. Each atom of each of the chemical elements conforms to this model. However, each element has different numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons; the arrangement of the electrons in the shells of their atoms also varies from element to element.
- The next diagram shows the sequence of the stable chemical elements as they fit the PNC, according to their atomic numbers (the number of protons in the nucleus of their atoms). Unlike the traditional Periodic Table, mapping the elements to the PNC reveals the numerical and geometric law that determines their composition and properties. Since the arrangement of the elements in this precise fashion could never have happened by chance, the PNC reveals what Peter Plichta correctly terms God's Secret Formula - nothing less than the construction plan for matter.
- Learning the traditional table of the elements can be tedious and lacking in awe, but studying the mechanism revealed by the PNC is bound to be a spiritual as well as a scientific experience.

- If you look at the PNC diagram again you will see that on the first ring, immediately after hydrogen, are found the four meta elements of the earlier table; Helium with an atomic number of 2 is at the base of the second ray, Lithium with an atomic number of 3 is at the base of the third ray (which has Rhenium in the fourth shell), and Carbon with an atomic number of 6 is at the base of the sixth ray.
- All the four meta elements occur on the first ring of the PNC and in the first quadrant. The fifth, or key element, Potassium (atomic number 19) is found at the far edge of the third quadrant of the PNC. Note that this ray is at 900 to the first ray.
- On the next shell of the ray that is anchored by Potassium the unstable element Technetium (43) is counted. The positional order of the other 'missing' element, Promethium (61), is located on the thirteenth ray of the PNC, which is opposite the first ray. Aluminium (13) is at the base of the thirteenth ray. Both Technetium and Promethium have atomic numbers which are prime. Their exclusion from the order of stable elements is essential to the hidden design that enables the PNC to operate as it does.
- The shells of the PNC are not flat, but spheroidal. If you imagine rotating the whole structure around the axis formed by the 1st and 13th rays, and also around the axis formed by the 7th and 19th rays, you will understand how the shells are structured. Although this mental exercise gives the impression of a three-dimensional model, the atomic space is actually four-dimensional.
Atoms And Infinite Space The average person usually finds the following analogy about the size of atoms quite startling. The comparison says that if you were to take a teaspoon of water from the Atlantic ocean there would be more atoms in that single spoonful of water than there are spoonfuls of water in the entire Atlantic.  Atoms are extremely small. Also, atoms are mostly empty. Although an incredible number of atoms are packed into a single teaspoon of water each individual atom is 99.9999999999999 per cent empty space!
While there is no doubt that the Italian monk Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake in 1600 for heresy, his actual crime is variously described in the history books. A popular explanation is that Bruno upset the dogma of the church by asserting that there are other suns in the heavens, and that our particular sun is but one of many. Peter Plichta notes an even more profound insight of Bruno's. Until the time of the German cardinal Nicolaus Cusanus, one hundred years earlier, the concept of infinitely empty space did not exist in Europe. The church taught that the heavenly bodies existed in a closed system; a giant sphere. Beyond that finite space was heaven and it was also viewed as finite.
Bruno not only had the effrontery, as a mere monk, to revive Cusanus's views on the heretical notion of infinite space, he went further. Plichta describes it thus: - "Bruno, who was well ahead of his time (not only in cosmology) realised that finite space differed from infinite space by a curious geometrical feature. A finite space, no matter how large it is, can have only one centre. An infinite space, on the other hand, has its centre everywhere - ie any point is its centre. Mathematically, infinite space has an infinite number of centres."
Besides having studied chemistry, physics and mathematics, Dr Plichta also invested a lot of his time in reviewing the history of science - from the times of the Greeks and Babylonians through to the 20th century. He wanted to find any ideas that had been overlooked or not fully pursued, and he also wanted to understand how various great minds had fallen into traps that he should avoid. The following excerpts give some idea of what he found in regard to atoms and infinite space. - "... Leibniz described the centres of infinity as 'monads'. Each single monad contains the reflection of the entire universe. His monads had no dimensions; in the opinion of Leibniz matter only 'adhered' to the monads. This is one reason he was opposed to the idea of atoms, a concept that was supported at the time by his chief rival, Newton. In view of his assertion that these strange points, which Newton called atoms instead of monads, had to have substance in space, Newton was the more correct of the two. He, and all atomists after him (until today), unfortunately ceased to pursue the question of infinity when they reached these points. No atom was considered to be the centre of infinity."
- "One hundred years were to pass after the death of Leibniz before F. Heinrich Jacobi published excerpts from Bruno's old philosophical writings. Only then did those ideas come to have an influence on some of the greatest philosophers of the 19th century, F. W. J. Schelling and, of course, J. W. Goethe, whose universal mind strove towards infinity in the true Faustian sense.
Although in the 20th century the notion of atoms has again been explored - before being brought to its logical, or illogical, conclusion in a description of nature referred to as the 'particle zoo' - the search for a true definition of infinity has again faded into the background. Today our concept of space has again reached the point where it was in the middle ages: in a finite universe."
During his late thirties Dr Peter Plichta had a pharmacy built in Düsseldorf in order that he could work above it while the business below provided income. In one corner of his flat he had two mirrors mounted in a corner, above a washbasin. The effect of two mirror surfaces at 900 was to produce three reflections of Plichta, with the central image being unreversed. Here is what the German thinker found when he studied the reflections. - "I have always wondered about the dimensions of infinite space around a point. It cannot be three-dimensional with regard to length, breadth and height. I was now sitting in front of a space mirror and could see the solution in front of my own eyes: two intersecting planes. Each of these planes is quadriform and measurable in square units such as square centimetres (cm2).
When I multiply these two intersecting planes with each other, I am actually squaring something that is already squared, and the resultant units are to the power of 4 (cm2). From two dimensions we now have four. Such a space has a special geometrical feature. A three-dimensional body - for instance, a cube - has three axes at right angles to each other. This is therefore referred to as x-y-z axial geometry. The four-dimensional infinite space around a point (in this case every point of intersection of the mirror) does not possess a z axis but only x2 y2 plane geometry." - "... If infinite, empty space always has a quadruple structure because the world is always 'two-dimensional squared' at every point, the four quantum numbers of the electrons must in fact be a geometrical necessity, whereas so far this has only been empirical knowledge, derived from experience.
But if I could finally discover why electrons happened to have four quantum numbers, I would also find out why atoms have no more than three components. It would then be clear why there are only three stable nuclear particles and why all additional particles that are believed to have been found are in fact not really components of the atom at all but merely events resulting from energy-tracings and photographic recordings. It was possible that a hitherto unknown law of pure number theory could be hidden behind this triple nature of the atomic nucleus, whereas the quadruple nature of the third particle, the electron, would have a purely spatial explanation."
So we have a situation in which finite, three-dimensional, space encloses objects such as house bricks, while infinite four-dimensional space surrounds the minuscule but finite points that are atoms. A house brick has edges and a centre, but an atom is essentially edgeless and vibrational in nature.
In explaining how his ideas translate to the Prime Number Cross Peter Plichta writes: - "I therefore decided to name this order of prime numbers 'The Prime Number Cross' because of the cross structure. The shell of an inert gas contains eight electrons and this Prime Number Cross contains eight rays [with prime numbers]. The cross structure of the two axes intersecting at right-angles allows the two-dimensional Prime Number Cross to be rotated in the mind - both around a horizontal and a vertical axis ( the quadrate of each axis produces a surface, and these surfaces must therefore intersect).
The shells (number circles) expand around the central point towards infinity. This is the infinite numeric space around a point of finite size. If the Prime Number Cross has the dimension of a surface, two intersecting numeric crosses must therefore have the dimension of a square of a square, and must be four-dimensional. A 'squared square' area in this sense can not be easily conjured up in our imagination. It can, however, be demonstrated by outstretched fingers threaded at a right-angle through each other - the gesture they make when some people want to pray. These surfaces intersect each other. The four-dimensional nature of the shell only applies for an infinite number of shells. The infinite space around a point would become a three-dimensional body, a sphere, if infinity were itself to become a limit." - "... Only when I recognised the infinite space around a point as numeric space did the full weight of my discovery occur to me. The expansion of a light wave emerging from a point flows as a spherical wave to infinity. And because the speed of light is finite, the expansion of the wave is linked to time. ... But what mysterious medium controls the structure of the wave? It is a well-known fact that a spherical wave must consist of two segments standing in vertical relation to each other. The reason for it, however, cannot be explained because x2 y2 geometry is as yet unexplored.
When infinity and its triple nature are one, the continuum of space and time in the conventional physical sense do not exist. numbers are the third component of infinity. Only the concealed triplicate of space time numberscan lead us out of the cul-de-sac of our picture of the world that is trapped in finite concepts. One absolute consequence of this is that numbers must now be granted a real existence.Numbers can, of course, not be seen. But space and time can not also be seen. Infinite space and infinite time cannot be registered on our finite faculties of imagination. The infinite numbers, however, by virtue of their prime number structure contain not only a numeric aesthetic, but also the key to the material world and a medium of information to infinity. Only they can provide the background for the natural constants, for beyond the realms of proof infinity necessarily exists by its own right in that 'nothing' can not exist." - "If space around an atomic nucleus, or, even better, around a point of finite size, were spherical but limited in some way - whether in a millionth fraction of a millimetre or in millions of light years - it would in either case be three-dimensional. Space around a point of finite size is, however, not finite but always infinite. And this is where my criticism arose. An infinite space cannot be three-dimensional, just as a finite space always must be, regardless of its size."
- "In former decades there used to be a lot of discussion concerning the nature of space, a notion that clearly contains a paradox. Any line drawn on paper is one-dimensional. the medium surrounding it, however, has to have one dimension more. This is obviously true in that a piece of paper is a surface and thus two-dimensional. Consequently, the medium in which the piece of paper is located must be three-dimensional. This is true in the case of the room in which the piece of paper is located. However, logic requires that a three-dimensional object must be surrounded by a four-dimensional space.
Because this space can not be visualised, mathematicians at the end of the 19th century finally ended the discussion and introduced the idea of any number of dimensions. The notion of 'any number' always leads to the question 'also an infinite number?', and the answer was given that an infinite number of dimensions was perfectly permissible. Mathematics is a human invention and the mathematical mind wanted to free itself from the impalpable fourth dimension. ... Multi-dimensional space has nothing to do with reality. For that very reason physicists did not take up the idea - because they could not afford to ignore reality. Instead, they created their own fourth dimension (space-time). But space-time is also totally unconnected with reality. ..." - "... For a long time I had had an idea of how a space with the dimension 'length to the power of 4' would appear. It would have to be two vertically intersecting surfaces which would divide space into four infinite segments [or quadrants] with no external limit.
I had got the idea that there are only 81 stable elements from the fact that there are three components of all atoms. I now postulated that matter only fits into space such as is arranged according to the same principles as the matter itself. Because I now took the absolute numerical factor 3 as the speed of light, the number 81 had to appear in Einstein's formula as a quantity, and reciprocally as an infinite decimal number of the order of the whole numbers. Einstein's equation now displays its actual mathematical significance. Something is either material and countable, or it disappears and dissolves. It then spreads out into infinity as a wave phenomenon, just as number is a realisation of a quantity and its reciprocal value is a diminution towards eternity." - "... A finite space is three-dimensional (to the power of 3) and an infinite space four-dimensional (to the power of 4). With regard to the time in which an electromagnetic wave expands through space, there is a four-dimensional factor which can be expressed as time squared to the power of 2.
The energy of an electromagnetic wave is related to the number of oscillations per second. One oscillation per second is described as 1 hertz in physics. The relationship that emerges involves a connection showing energy and reciprocal time as pure four-dimensional inversion. In the same way, matter and reciprocal space can be represented as a four-dimensional phenomenon. ... The reversal of an infinite four-dimensional space produces, ... an expression for matter which is physically linked to mass. The infinity of space will then exist reciprocally as points of matter. ... This meant that I had an explanation for the existence of electrons and protons at last. They had to exist because four dimensional space, in contrast to three-dimensional space, requires by its very nature central points of finite size. These points would then also have to be fitted with a potentially infinite 'magic' from which our whole material world evolved. When I think of electrons and protons and how they work 'magic' with their electrical charges, it is not a strange notion that these particles did not emerge from some other particles at some time in the past but instead exist because of the nature of infinity."
There are several important concepts in these excerpts.
- Firstly there is the notion that atoms are finite points surrounded by four-dimensional space.
- Secondly there is the concept of the PNC as a model of four-dimensional space.
- Thirdly there is the idea that a numerical and geometric model - the PNC - actually controls the formation of matter and the properties of the chemical elements.
- Fourthly there is the mathematically proven discovery that, based on Einstein's equation, matter is inversely related to space, energy is inversely related to time, and quantity is inversely related to numerical sequence.
The following explanations and insights should help to make these and other concepts more comprehensible in relation to the PNC and the chemical elements. Regarding the question of why only two electrons can exist in the first shell of the atom Plichta writes:
Regarding the basis for the population of the atomic shells by electron pairs Plichta observes that: - "... It is a curious fact that the greatest physicist in the history of the world (Newton)) and the greatest philosopher (Kant) allowed for God's possibility of fitting out the world in natural laws different from the ones we know. ... and although no physicist today talks about the omnipotence of God, nothing has changed with regard to the apparent arbitrariness of natural laws.
Newton and Kant did not know that the number of electrons pairs in the atomic 'shell' is limited. The maximum number of atomic pairs is as we have seen, 1, 4, 9, 16 for the various electron orbits. On the innermost orbit around the atomic nucleus only one pair of electrons has place; a maximum of 4 pairs fit on the second level; 9 on the third; and 16 on the fourth. Because these four numbers are the squares of 1, 2, 3 and 4, the square law is therefore numerically anchored in the atom itself and therefore in the whole of nature." - "... Although Niels Bohr proved back in 1913 that electrons move on specific paths at certain distances around the atomic nucleus, just like the planets around the sun, his model was originally rejected by the physicists. His postulates could not be reconciled with the accepted knowledge that electrons, unlike planets, have an electrical charge and therefore fall quickly into the nucleus (because of the opposing polarities of nucleus and electron cloud).
Bohr had conducted an ingenious examination of the distance between the electrons and the nucleus with the help of the reciprocal quadrate law. His postulate of the stable paths only found general acceptance when the general notion of the planetary electrons was discarded. The orbits of an electron are now described mathematically as a functional state and concepts such as probability of location have been introduced. The contradiction inherent in atomic physics from the very beginning was never solved but only suppressed." - Here is Plichta's solution:
"Prime number space, which is arranged in the shape of shells and which surrounds every atomic nucleus, shifts the orbiting electrons at each point to the state (-1)4. The exponent 'to the power of 4' indicates the mathematical state of four-dimensional space. The electron has the charge -1. Because its state in the number shells of the space around the atomic nucleus is doubly squared, the minus sign is changed to a plus. In this way the electrons accept characteristics prescribed to them by the prime number space as four-dimensional space. They therefore have to follow the reciprocal quadrate law and can only occur on certain predetermined paths and in a certain quantity."This is why physicists find electrons in atoms sitting "like birds on wires".
In relation to the function of the PNC in providing the scaffold for the manifestation of matter Plichta writes: - "I formulated the corollary thus: 'If matter did not exist, not one single atom, there would also be no space.' But if only the two of them can exist at the same time, then one would have to be the other, only reversed. Where there is no movement, there is also no time. Energy can therefore be nothing else than the reverse of time. The only way to connect space and time is to bring them down to their reciprocal dimensions, matter and energy. In order that no nonsense emerges in this procedure, there must be a plan, and this must be the only one that exists - the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... as ordered by the Prime Number Cross.
Behind this in turn we find the first eight primary numbers: 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 17, 19, 23 as the initial elements of the eight prime number rays. This entirely novel notion of structural infinity around a point can only be established and clarified by the geometry of the twin prime numbers. This allows our world to be registered for the first time: material substance as the means of putting bounds to infinity." - "Because our notion of space has so far always been fixed on three-dimensional space, it has not been possible for scientists to imagine four-dimensional (numerical) space. The point is that three-dimensional space can only be appreciated as numerical space of the reciprocal numbers when the space of the whole numbers, four-dimensional space, has been comprehended. "
Finally, there is the important explanation of where the sequence of natural numbers is manifested within the PNC. The numbers are found as countable 'fillers' (numbers) in the first ray of the cross.
Note: No tenured scientists within state-funded institutions are challenging Dr Plichta's discoveries; they are universally ignoring the findings because they know that they are impossible to refute. However, a number of conventionally educated naysayers have posted derisive 'reviews' of Plichta's work on the Internet. This latter group often take exception to his expression of the result of 1 divided by 81. Plichta shows it as: 1/81=0.0123456789[10][11][12]...∞ On the other hand, the naysayers always get the following result using their electronic calculators, or even the process of long division. 1/81=0.01234567901234567901... Dr Plichta has explained the reason for the differing results in his books and I have already discussed this supposed anomaly in the 2nd Renaissance freesite (See sub-heading [193].
In the following explanation Peter Plichta is anticipating objections from the scientific community regarding the inclusion of a decimal point (or comma) at the start of the sequence of numbers. He has assumed, correctly I feel sure, that genuine scientists will readily understand the explanation for the 'missing 8' in calculations that use modern conventions for division in the decimal system. Below, Plichta is concerned to show that no decimal point (or comma) arises in the number sequence that underpins the PNC.
The diagram below is reproduced from God's Secret Formula and is referred to by Plichta in his explanation. I have added an indication of where the countable 'fillers' are on the first ray.

Plichta writes: - "The reciprocal value of the number 81 provides the decimal numerical sequence, written without a decimal point.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...
The elements of the Periodic Table are ordered in this sequence. Scientists will object that the sequence of the ordered decimal numbers only begins after the decimal point and thus each subsequent number must first be divided by 10, 100, 1,000 (0 divided by 10, 1 divided by 100, 2 divided by 1,000, etc). In order to diffuse this argument, I searched for a further possibility of finding this numerical sequence (if necessary) without a decimal point. ... I was suddenly mesmerised and stared at the ray on the Prime Number Cross on which the square numbers of all prime numbers of the form 6n ± 1 are located (figure 8, page 156, in which the 1 [= (-12)] below the 12 on the zero shell is not yet indicated). I had finally found what I had been looking for! (-1)2, 12, 52, 72, 73, 97, 112, 145, 132, 193, 217, 241, 265, 172, 313, 337, 192, 385, 409, 433, 457, 481, 505, 232, 553, 577, 601, 252, 649, 673, 697, 721, 745, 769, 793, 817, 292, 865, 889, 913, 937, 312, 985, 1009, 1033, 1957, 1081, 1105, 1129, 1153, 1177, 1201, 352, 1249, 1273, 1297, 1321, 1345, 372, ...
No number occurs between the squares of the first twins (-1)2 and 12. I marked in a zero. The same applies to the squares of the second twins, 52 and 72, so I again put in a zero. Between 112 and 132 the first 'filler' number occurs, 145. I put in a one. Between the next squares 52 and 72, two filler numbers appear - 313 and 337. This is followed by three filler numbers, then four, five, and so on. I noted the sequence of numbers
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...The small and familiar comma does not occur here ..."
Dr Plichta adds an observation to the above. It drives home the realisation of the enormous changes that must now be made in our education systems - right down to primary school level. - "The search for the 34 law of the Prime Number Cross thus turned out to be the dissolution of the reciprocal square law in the decimal system. The difference of 2 between the first four prime number twins gives us in the linear sequence
0 1 2 3 4 5 ...and in the quadratic the decimal sequence
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...This means that the quadratic of the linear sequence of numbers again shows an order of square numbers, it is a decimal order. This augers a revolution for our primary schools. Nothing less than the atomic model and the chemical elements themselves will in future be their godfathers when children develop a relationship to numbers. Our children have the opportunity of being the first generation to be able to fully appreciate the meaning in at least one Bible quotation - But Thou hast arranged all things by measure and number and weight.
Truth Revealed Is Truth Triumphant Peter Plichta received support and corroboration from various people to whom he described his findings and proofs. One of these people was Professor E O Fischer, a Nobel Prize winning chemist working in Munich at the time. The following excerpts from one of their conversations are revealing in regard to the scope of the discovery, and what Plichta hoped it might lead to.
- PROFESSOR FISCHER: "Hold on a moment, Mr Plichta. You don't need to convince me any more. I am perfectly satisfied with your explanation that with the omission of the two non-existent elements, the Periodic Table now consists of 81 elements and thus of four groups according to the sequence 1 + 19. If this is in fact the case, it will be quite sufficient to place all of contemporary science in an impossible position. But we have to be careful. New ideas have always been resisted. this one is not merely a new and revolutionary idea, it actually turns our entire concept of the universe on its head!"
PETER PLICHTA: " If the world can be saved, then it will be saved only by a new spiritual idea. If I can prove that the number 3 and the decimal system are the basis of the speed of light, then we could overcome the danger of the bomb. War is an expression of our fear. Fear is based on ignorance. We shall simply have to go right through with presenting it at the political level. Any disputes we may encounter with the academic world will, in contrast, look harmless."
Indeed they will. The Old World Order will not be inclined to lose control quietly, but it will lose nevertheless. The parrot people of the global media will be encouraged to actively suppress and distort the message in Plichta's findings. The various agencies of totalitarian-democracies will be charged with cracking down on "trouble makers" who attempt to spread the truth of the Prime Number Cross. The institutions and opinion leaders of grant-governed science will, when they are no longer able to ignore them, vigorously denounce Plichta's discoveries. But truth can only be obscured and delayed for so long; in due course it will emerge and spread around the world. Human beings have a history of acting on new information and new truths, despite all attempts by governments and those behind them to maintain the status quo. When the new ideas change thinking, new action will follow, and the world will experience the full impact and benefit of the 2nd Renaissance. Few discoveries will be more important than the divine numerical laws that govern the structure of what we perceive as matter.
Anyone who now continues to teach chemistry, physics, mathematics, or theology using pre-Plichta knowledge and dogma will not only be planting incorrect 'facts' in young minds, but also helping to delay a great social, spiritual and scientific transformation. If the state schools and universities are slow to adopt the wonderful discoveries of Peter Plichta, local communities and neo-tribes must form out-of-school classes to teach the young people the truth about the world they will inherit. There can be few more pressing or rewarding tasks than bringing such knowledge to the next generations of humanity.
Keep freeneting and helping to save the world.
Lothar, March 2005.
Peter Plichta's web site is: www.plichta.de/english/
Errata For the English Translation of God's Secret Formula: The English translation of God's Secret Formula - Deciphering The Riddle of the Universe and the Prime Number Code (ISBN 1-86204-358-2), Element Books Australia, 1998, contains the following typographical errors. Page 81, line 3, for "infinite" read "finite". Page 117, line 3, replace "25" by "29". Page 124, line 1, replace the second "81" by "1". Page 129, in the last formula on that page, insert the "is proportional to" sign immediately after "E2". Page 136, line 10, replace "57" with "75". Page 160, line 35, for "Neils" Bohr read "Niels" Bohr.