Package gen :: Package proxy :: Module dbbase
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Module dbbase

source code

Proxy class for the GRAMPS databases. Filter out all data marked private.

A proxy to a Gramps database.

Imports: _, MediaObject, RepoRef, SourceRef, Note, Source, MarkerType, Location, SourceMediaType, NameType, PrimaryObject, UrlType, Repository, EventType, RepositoryType, DateError, GrampsType, LdsOrd, AttributeType, Address, Date, MediaRef, EventRoleType, FamilyRelType, Name, GenderStats, Url, ChildRefType, PersonRef, Person, Place, ChildRef, EventRef, Family, Researcher, Attribute, SecondaryObject, NoteType, Event, Witness, address, addressbase, attrbase, attribute, attrtype, baseobj, calendar, childref, childreftype, date, datebase, event, eventref, eventroletype, eventtype, family, familyreltype, genderstats, grampstype, ldsord, ldsordbase, location, locationbase, markertype, mediabase, mediaobj, mediaref, name, nametype, note, notebase, notetype, person, personref, place, placebase, primaryobj, privacybase, refbase, repo, reporef, repotype, researcher, secondaryobj, src, srcbase, srcmediatype, srcref, url, urlbase, urltype, witness